
Refund Policy


Sports Fees can not be moved from season to season.

Refund of the sports fee will be available only if all of the following conditions are met:

1.  Refund request is made within 3 weeks after the last signup date

        a.  Spring Sport last date to request a refund: March 8

        b.  Fall Sport last date to request a refund: August 5

        c.  Winter Sport last date to request a refund:  November 5

2. No uniform or equipment has been ordered for that sport

LATE FEES:  A registration is considered to be late the day after the last date of registration. Late fees will not be refunded.

Family Membership Fee Refund

Refunds will be available only if:

1. Refund request is made within 3 weeks after the last sport signup date (Spring, Fall or Winter)

2. No children of the family have participated in any sport

Refund Steps

All refund requests should be submitted directly to the MVAA within the refund policy time frame**.

Please follow the steps below to ensure a timely process:

  1. Families need to contact the MVAA Administrative Assistant within the time frame indicated above.
  2. Use the following format to request a refund: Email mvaaoffice@verizon.net
  3. Required information needed:
    1. Subject line should read:  Refund “Doe Family” (Example)
    2. The body of the email needs to state the following items:
      1. Parent names (checks cannot be written to the child) 
      2. Age group/amount
      3. Sport
      4. Address
      5. Reason requesting refund (i.e. moving)

Thank you to our sponsors!