MVAA Soccer participates in the following leagues:
MVAA In-House Soccer
The MVAA Soccer program now offers U6 Junior Academy and U8 Senior Academy. The U6 is designed to be fun and interactive. We utilize unique games to focus on basic soccer skills like dribbling, passing, and shooting. Our goal is to cultivate a love of the game at an early age. For kids interested in learning the fundamentals of soccer and gain experience, this is a great place to start.
The U8 Senior Academy offers fun games focusing on individual skills and introducing small sided games. This level helps prepare players for healthy competition at older age groups. Scrimmages may be played against local clubs.
Academy format with one weeknight session and one Saturday session, held at the Middletown Middle School.
United Recreational Soccer League (URSL) U10-U14
Practices twice each week with games on the weekends against other teams within Frederick County and surrounding areas.
Club/Travel - Montgomery Soccer Inc. (MSI) leagues
Highly competitive level of play. Players try out for roster slots on Club/Travel teams. Playing time in games is Not guaranteed, but players that regularly attend practice and demonstrate maximum effort will most likely get game time in each match. Teams practice 2 or more times per week, with all games Away, but many are played in the Germantown, MD area and at the Soccerplex. Teams play in out of area competitive weekend tournaments. The majority of matches are normally on Saturdays with some potentially on Sundays.
Volunteer Support Positions
The success of our program has always been a direct result of volunteer participation in several important areas:
Fields Maintenance - a crew of four to paint field lines; general members assist with game day field set-up and take-down.
Coaching - a crew of four or five members from each age group to facilitate games during practices; weekly lesson plans are distributed at the pre-season coaching clinic.
Team Manager- team manager will work closely with coaches throughout the season to help with season events, information distribution, etc.